Sunday, February 13, 2011


AHHHHH...LOVE. What a wonderful word and a wonderful feeling. In every sense of the word. Romantic love is great, but more important is that lasting kind of love that comes from trust and knowing that no matter what...sickness, trials, abundance, disappointments, day in and day out of daily life, just getting through, paying the bills, nurturing children (and spouses), picking up the pieces when life doesn't go quite how you thought it would. I AM SO GRATEFUL for the love I have in my life. From my dad and his wife... my little brothers and dear dear friends...old and new...from my mission president and his wife...from my Savior Jesus Christ...from my Heavenly Father. I do feel Gods love abundantly and I know more than I know anything, that He loves all of His children more than any of us can comprehend. I love the scripture in 1 Nephi when Nephi tells the angel that he doesn't know all things (concerning God) but "he knoweth that [God] loveth all His children." If we don't feel God loves us or knows us or cares about us, that is the time to get on our knees and pray and then stand up and do for Gods children. I beleive we are the ones that turn our backs on God, never the other way around. He is always waiting with open arms of mercy extended if we just come to Him. AHHHH Love, what would we do without it?

Our good friends, Elder and Sister Walker brought by these wonderful looking cupcakes for Valentines day...In case you can't read the sign it says "We choo choose you." Too cute. In the middle is the little treat we made today to give to the missionaries for Valentines day.

Old family picture (August 17, 2008 me and Scott's 29 wedding anniversary) but it's one of my favorites because we all look so happy. I missed my kids and grandkids so much today. I just wanted to call all of them and say come over for dinner and lets play some games. I miss them all so much.

Since Lizzie and Elise weren't born yet in that picture I put a picture of both of them in here. I know, I have beautiful grandchildren, what can I say!
I talked to Lizzie today on the phone and she said hello to me! Pretty good for only being 16 months old. David said she was walking around the room with the phone on her shoulder. Too cute. I miss these little ones the most because it's really hard to communicate with them, not to mention you can't kiss and snuggle them. BUT I am grateful I get to skype them. What a wonderful day we live in!

1 comment:

  1. we love you so much mom and miss you SO MUCH!!!
